Cheat Engine Download

The tool for games mods (and a little more)

Cheat Engine is a utility to modify and apply "touch-ups" to video games, along with some extra tool for debugging software and games.

Cheat your way to the top
Cheat Engine is an open source tool for editing the code of a game. The program opens the process of the game and allows you to change the data. It includes a scanner so that you can easily find the values you're looking for.

There are many modifiable parameters, as well as lots of changes you can apply, from the number of lives, to the money in a game, going through all the values of the game along the way. On the official website, you can find a ready-made list of changes.

Cheat Engine provides tools for Direct3D and OpenGL, and is also a useful program for developers, since it integrates debugging features for video games and software.

Usability could be improved
Cheat Engine is not easy to use, but thanks to its excellent tutorials, you can quickly get up and running with the program.

You can also check out the video that shows you how to increase your money in GTA San Andreas, or read the article where we show you how to install mods on Euro Truck Simulator 2.

A must for every gamer
Cheat Engine is a great tool, especially useful for advanced users, but including a tutorial for those who might be less experienced. It doesn't work for online games, but the editing possibilities for single player games are almost endless.

Recent changes
Fixed the first plugin from not getting activated at restart
Custom types can now do an unknown initial value scan
Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from hiding some text while typing
Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from not showing hexadecimal values as hex starting with A to F
Fixed global debug from crashing in 64-bit (with dbvm)
Fixed dbvm from not working on several systems (freeze)
Fixed notification when closing and you had some changes
Fixed the rescan of the structure spider not working at all
Fixed several disassembler and assembler instructions
Fixed several plugin-system related bugs
Fixed aobscan for 64-bit
Fixed displaying the registers in 64-bit when using quot;find what xxx this addressquot;
Fixed the stackview when single stepping through the code
Fixed several lua function, including createhotkey
Fixed the assembler not dealing well with names with a - in it. (like the tutorial)

Cheat Engine supports the following formats

Tango Download

The Tango app for your PC

Tango is a video and voice chat application the lets you connect with others via their mobile phones

Free calls for Tango users
Similar to WhatsApp and Skype, Tango is used on your PC to connect with Android and iPhone users. If your friends have Tango on their smartphones with data plans or Wi-Fi, you can call their phone for free without leaving your computer.

As simple as the mobile version
Tango's PC version interface is identical to the mobile version, with a default skin made to look like an iPhone. If that isn't to your preference, you can change this skin in the options.

Using Tango is simple. Add your phone number and the numbers of the friends you want to call. From there, you're just one simple click away from chatting.

Great audio and video
Video and sound quality in Tango is impressive, although it might vary by device and connection. Tango's controls are also very simple. The options let you specify how you sort your contacts, let you set up the webcam, change Tango's skin and look for updates. Unfortunately, you can't do much more beyond that by way of customization.

Perfect for Tango users
With the ability to video and audio chat with friends' smartphones from the comfort of your PC, Tango is a welcome addition to communication apps.

Mozilla Firefox Download

Firefox's latest - and greatest - version!

Mozilla Firefox is one of the World's most popular web browsers and was one of the first to break the stranglehold of Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) on the web browsing market.

This is the latest version of the popular web browser and as always, Mozilla claim to have a speedier, safer browsing experience. Tests reveal that this newest version of Mozilla Firefox is certainly quick to load even the most graphics intense pages.

Firefox also now features secure connections when performing Google searches to improve privacy and there's an updated site identity indicator in the URL bar. There's only one relevant improvement in the latest version of Firefox for most users relating to security. Security has been improved with mixed content blocking which protects users from "man-in-the-middle attacks" and from eavesdroppers on HTTPS pages. There are also several bug fixes.

Mozilla Firefox's tab layout is quite similar to Google's Chrome browser, instead of seeing a blank page whenever a new tab is opened Firefox users will now be treated to icons that offer quick access to everything from bookmarks to most recently accessed and most frequently visited sites.

These icons are fully customizable in Mozilla Firefox as well. You can click and drag them to any spot you like on your name tab's page. If you're not a fan, you can also go to the grid icon on the upper right side of your browser and erase them entirely.

Firefox features Facebook integration. Firefox supports Facebook's social API so you can have dedicated buttons for Facebook in your browser. Mozilla Firefox supports Facebook's Messenger within Firefox, giving users desktop notifications as well as a persistent friends list and activity feed on the right. Conversations will open up as overlays on top of whatever website you're on so you can multitask while you chat.

Mozilla Firefox really changed the way people browse the web when it originally burst onto the scene. Today Firefox remains an incredibly powerful and customizable browser, although competition from Google Chrome has given it a definite run for its money.

In terms of interface, the latest version of Firefox isn't much different from previous versions, but the features it has added certainly make for a nicer, more enjoyable browsing experience overall.

What's new
New simplified interface inspired by Google Chrome
Synchronisation of your browser settings between different devices

BS.Player Download

Great media player supporting a wide range of formats

BS.Player is the perfect video player for those moments when you prefer watching movies and TV series on the computer rather than doing it on the couch.

All the formats and features you might need
BS.Player is a great media player that features anything you need to watch movies or any other kind of video on your PC. BS.Player supports all popular video formats (and audio as well, in case you were wondering) and though its basic interface is not really the nicest one I've seen, you can easily customize it with skins. Also, if you're missing any video or audio codecs, BS.Player will download them right away during installation.

BS.Player supports video subtitles, takes screenshots of movie currently playing, lets you create bookmarks and chapters to move along videos more easily and has also support for plug-ins, making it very similar to apps like UMPlayer.

I especially liked the way you can control playback, either by using keyboard shortcuts or simply your mouse: one click to stop the video, two clicks to go full screen, mouse wheel to raise or lower the volume... It's really comfortable.

Reliable and easy to use
BS.Player is reliable and full of features. The only drawback if any, is the fact that the program doesn't include any documentation except for a FAQ section that you need to open in your browser. Not that you can't use BS.Player without help, but it's always nice to have some documentation to rely on in case you get stuck.

BS.Player lets you enjoy your favorite movies on the PC with a wide range of features: subtitles, screenshots, bookmarks and more.

BS.Player supports the following formats

Minecraft Download

Sandbox game of creativity and survival

Minecraft is an indie game mixing survival and sheer creativity.

Create your world
Minecraft is different from other games beacuse it lets you exploit the elements around you and dig mines, but also gives you the opportunity to build all sorts of structures and obtain various tools.

Unlike the free online Minecraft, the desktop version isn't just about pure creativity but also includes a survival mode, characterized by a strong RPG component and the presence of Creepers, the dangerous monsters of the night which you have to defend yourself against.

In Minecraft, crafting is a fundamental aspect of the game. A guide to the elements of Minecraft, which comes in the form of the Minecraft Crafting Guide is therefore a must-have application for both beginners, as well as those who may be a little rusty.

You'll soon realize that the search for precious metals will take up most of your time, so it's important to know how to find blocks of matter and diamonds.

Classic controls, minimalist menus
The Minecraft controls are very similar to those of an FPS. Move your character with the keyboard and mouse. The left button digs things up, the right one positions them, and the 'E' key opens the inventory.

The game menu and the help functions are reduced to the essentials, but the possibilities for creation are almost endless. For this reason, we recommend you consult the Minecraft wiki.

Pixelated graphics
The graphics in Minecraft are certainly not the highlight of the game but, you've got to admit, the pixels do have their own unique charm. Alternating between day and night, exploration, and the need for survival also give the game a unique atmosphere.

A vast world to shape as you like
Minecraft is a sandbox game that deserves the name more than any other in the genre. It takes place in a world that genuinely gives gamers total freedom, something that few can match. The mix of crafting and survival blends imagination and concrete objectives perfectly.
Recent changes
New jungle biome
Added ocelots
Added cats
Added iron golems
New AI for mobs
Tame wolves can have puppies
Villagers will have children if there is room in their village
New map height limit (256 instead of 128)
New items and blocks
Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone
Added rare drops for mobs
Many other minor tweaks and fixes